Visceral Manipulation (VM) is a highly sophisticated and specific manual therapy technique that assesses the relationship between the body’s organs (e.g. bladder, bowel, uterus, etc) and others structures, like muscles, fascia, ligaments and joints.
The movement of an organ can be restricted by surgical scars, adhesions, infection, illness, poor posture or traumatic injury. A restriction prevents the 'gliding and sliding' action of the organ over other structures within the body, creating an area of fixation. Our body learns to accommodate by moving around this area of tension, and over time this repeated movement leads to chronic irritation and inflammation causing musculoskeletal, neural and visceral dysfunction.
A highly sophisticated and specific manual therapy technique that restores normal visceral (organ) movement and function and helps to integrate the function or movement of the body as a whole.
Visceral Manipulation has been effective in the treatment of:
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